Category: Summer

Commercial Ventilation: The Overlooked Part of HVAC
You feel it when there’s a problem with the ‘H’ (heat) and the ‘AC’ (air conditioning). But how often do you think about the regularly forgotten part of HVAC: Ventilation? Commercial ventilation plays a crucial part in keeping indoor spaces comfortable and providing good air quality. Building Ventilation Protect the people in your building from […]

Is Your Commercial Air Conditioner Ready for Summer?
Is your commercial air conditioner ready for summer? A well maintained air conditioning unit will run more efficiently and for a longer time, so make sure to get your equipment in tip-top shape for the hot summer months ahead! Check and Replace Air Filters Your filters should be changed every 1-2 months. If you aren’t […]

How To Keep Your Air Conditioning Running Properly
After months of complaining about the brutal winter cold, the summer heat is finally upon us! As the day-time temperatures become more and more uncomfortable, we look to our air

Prepare For Summer Heat
The days are getting longer and the snow has all melted. Soon our complaints of winter cold will turn to protests of summer heat and soaring electric bills from running our